Tuesday 23 June 2009

First Post and a moan

First Post of the new blog where I can vent! Sweet!

OK, so I am a Grumpy Old Man and always have been, even in my teens and twenties. Drives me mad when people complain about everything and yet take no responsibility for effects brought about by their own actions.

"Too fat", "too skinny", "can't stop smoking/drinking/insert vice here". I'm sick of it. Society today is too quick to point the finger at everyone else and not look inward for the cause then seek the easy out to correct the problem and it annoys the hell out of me!

Too fat and want expensive surgery to staple your stomach? Better yet, have the NHS pay for it using my taxes? You know what? Stop eating crap and lots of it, maybe think about doing some exercise and the weight will start to fall off naturally - and no, I don't necessarily mean joining a weight watchers club or going strict Zone/Paleo right off the bat, but for God's sake stop eating processed microwave meals and look at some fresh vegetables and lean meats! Maybe even stop adding sugar to your drinks and substitute water for those diet sodas!

Case in point about having someone else pay to fix your problems - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8114676.stm (safe for work/family).

So she wants the NHS to pay £23,000 so she can continue to attend a "fat camp" in the United States? Doesn't anyone else see the sheer lunacy of that, especially when the health service is a stretched as it is right now (I have some ideas on that too, remind me to publish them sometime soon)? So she lost a load of weight while she had the scholarship because it's a structured lifestyle with set tasks and meal times with fixed portions - hey, I'm all for that, but why should we pay for her to continue? Shouldn't she be able to take the lessons learned from her time spent there and apply them to life at home? Obviously not, that would mean she has to take personal responsibility for her health rather than having someone else tell her what to do.

It's lunacy I tell you and it needs to stop. Children should be brought up to account for their actions and parents should be held accountable for their children's behaviour (but that's a rant for another day).

Stay tuned......

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